24 April 2024, Wednesday

Today's name day(s): Diarmuid, Egbert. Tomorrow will be Mark, Markus, Mella, Macy, Macie, Maverick name day(s).

Drei ontologische Studien (Imre Szalontai)

50,00 € each

Imre Szalontai was born in 1954. He studied literature and social sciences. He has been a regular author in the literary, critical, and social science journal Ezredvég (in English: End of Millennium) for thirty years. He is a humanist thinker who also researches the basic problems of the existence of the material and the human world. Although his short story The fly could be read at the Ezredvég in 2002, it was published in America after 20 years due to its timeliness.

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